Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My boys.....

The boys love hanging out together, they are so much fun to watch.


Meet the Flemings! said...

Tooooooo Cute....boy is Kingston ever like Paul....sorry Sonia.

Domestic Bloggess said...

Hey Sonia,

Long time no comment. Summer's been busy, I guess! Anyhow, hope you guys are doing well and have been enjoying your new place.

This is going to sound totally bizarre, but were you at the CCMA's by any chance?

Reason I ask is I could swear your in the background of a picture that my friends, who own an agency, put up on their blog.


Domestic Bloggess said...

Okay so in some back and forth chatter with my friend Kristie - she confirmed it WAS indeed you! Apparently Paul works with her and Jim! OH MY! What a small world! Kristie used to work on my street team when I was working for Corus in Calgary.