Sunday, October 25, 2009

Uncle Joe's Tractor

According to William, this was his most favorite day, EVER! Such a boy.


Cuddle bug

Kingston is my snuggler. He is happiest when being held. I have to admit, I love it.

Bathtub Buddies

Hike Up Giants Head Mountain

It makes me laugh that they call this a mountain, coming from the glorious Rockies and all, but here it is, our Mountain. The view is spectacular up there.

William's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Will's birthday on Thanksgiving Monday. It was so great the Uncle Rory got to come out for a few days and celebrate with us. It was wonderful having him here and of course he spoiled Will with a wooden Tomas the Train set. William hasn't stopped playing with it since he opened. Will was doubly (is that a word) spoiled as Kiera sent a present for him too with Uncle Rory. Thanks Kiera I loved the play dough and etch a sketch. We started with a big thanksgiving dinner and then had a party for Will. FUN!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today was a great day!

Kingston and I woke up early and spent some time together. He is very snuggly and happy and sweet baby, pretty much all the time, I just couldn't resist taking some shots this morning.

Then Paul showed William how to make eggs and he helped him make all of us breakfast. William loves to help.

Then Paul and Rory, took Christie and William to the park and stopped for icecream on the way home.

Then William and I spent the afternoon outside painting rocks. We have all kinds of rocks all over our property in the flower beds and such and I thought it would be fun to have William, and Kingston once he's old enough to paint a bunch as they grow up. We had the best time. Mommy had snacks and William music and everything.

My Mr. Happy

Kingston's first two teeth. Did I mention he was four and a half months when he got them? Seriously, he's totally advanced! :o)

Blood, Sweat, Tears and finally.......a CAKE!!!

I decided I wanted to be creative this year and make William a car cake. I figured, how hard could it be? Haha So, I enlisted the help of the beautiful and talented Erynn to help draw it out for me and decorate. Note the frustration, uh, I mean elation on our faces when we were finally finished. What I decided is that while it was fun and Will will love it, next year, mommy's is buying his birthday cake!

He hasn't seen it yet as we are celebrating Will's birthday on Monday with a party and a big Thanksgiving meal.

Happy Birthday William!

My beautiful William, I can't believe that you're three now. I remember the day you were born as if it was yesterday. I can remember every single second that I had to wait before I held you for the first time. And when I did, oh my.... how wonderful it was. I knew then and there that I could not possibly love you more than I did in that moment and your daddy and I knew that you would change all of our lives forever. From the moment you were born, you have brought nothing but joy and happiness into our lives....and to everyone who knows you. Your daddy and I are so proud of you and the little man that you are and are so proud to call you ours. You are incredibly loved my sunshine, my sweet William.

Every year on Will's birthday, I post this video as a reminder of one of the greatest days of my entire life.

Birthday Celebration at School

On Thursday, I took cupcakes to Will's school for his birthday. When I walked in all the kids were running around like crazed animals with blue icing all over their face. I told Jenny that perhaps next birthday i'll bring fruit salad instead. :o)

I don't know about you, but personally if it was my birthday, I'd prefer the good old standard of happy birthday. Hahaha

Kingston's First Food September 16, 2009

We decided to start Kingston on cereal at 5 months instead of 6. He just didn't seem satisfied with having only formula. Man, he took to right away, you'd think he'd been eating cereal from birth the way he gobbled it up.

William loves feeding Kingston now too, I thought this was so funny.

First Day of Pre-School

Well, September 15th, marked Will's first day of pre-school. It's all he talked about for months and when the day finally came, he could hardly contain himself. He absolutely loves going to preschool and loves his teacher, Miss Jenny. We're so proud of our little man.

Random Cuteness

October 1, 2009

I picked this bouquet of flowers from our garden on October 1st. This is the fourth time blooming for our roses. I'm not bragging, i'm just of the many reasons why we moved here. The only way I can explain the scent of the large rose in the bouquet is that of fresh raspberries. Seriously yummy.