Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kingston and the Cricket

I don't know why, but this is Kingston's favorite thing to chew on. I got him on video as I thought it was kind of creepy in a cute sort of way :o)

Erynn and Will.....Twinkle, Twinkle

When Erynn comes over to play piano, Will always has to be right by her side, either on the stool beside her or on her lap. This time he decided to drag his own piano from across the room (all by himself)so that he could accompany her on Twinkle Twinkle. I think the funniest part of this video is me and Joe in the background trying to get Will to sing too. Hilarious. Total chaos!

What's so funny anyway?

I have no idea why Kingston thinks this is so funny because I have no idea what Will is saying.


Erynn and Joe just got a new standard poodle puppy. Oh course, William is in love.

Cutting Teeth

Well, Kingston cut his first tooth at four and a half months. Now at 7 months, he has three teeth on the bottom and four teeth on top. I have to say, he hasn't been fussy at all but he has to put everything in his mouth. So, I decided to freeze a carrot and give it to him to gnaw on. Worked great, he loved it and drooled all over the place.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paul's favorite time of year

Can't believe it's that time already, but down with the Halloween decorations and up with the Christmas lights. Paul's favorite time of year. Every year around this time he gets all excited. The nice part is he can put up the lights without freezing his you-know-what off. Love Summerland (sorry erin) William of course was daddy's helper for the day.

da da

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Tortoise and the Bee...

Seriously, could they be any cuter? We had so much fun trick or treating with the boys. It was a perfect, mild night and we just walked and laughed. Will was so sweet and adorable and very polite, saying thank you and Happy Halloween every time.

My Boys October 2009

Pumpkin Carving with Daddy.

We were a bit slow on the pumkin carving this year, but did manage to get a few done. Will got to carv a pumkin at school and one at home too which made him very happy and made Daddy just a little crazy. Not so easy with a three year old who wants to do EVERYTHING himself.

Music Machine

Kingston, like William loves music. Nothing makes him happier that hearing or making music.

Pumpkin Patch

William's class celebrated Harvest not Halloween in their class this week. They got to go to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin and the kids just loved it. It was really quite fun.

Chub in the tub....well, the sink

Random Cuteness

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Uncle Joe's Tractor

According to William, this was his most favorite day, EVER! Such a boy.


Cuddle bug

Kingston is my snuggler. He is happiest when being held. I have to admit, I love it.

Bathtub Buddies

Hike Up Giants Head Mountain

It makes me laugh that they call this a mountain, coming from the glorious Rockies and all, but here it is, our Mountain. The view is spectacular up there.

William's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Will's birthday on Thanksgiving Monday. It was so great the Uncle Rory got to come out for a few days and celebrate with us. It was wonderful having him here and of course he spoiled Will with a wooden Tomas the Train set. William hasn't stopped playing with it since he opened. Will was doubly (is that a word) spoiled as Kiera sent a present for him too with Uncle Rory. Thanks Kiera I loved the play dough and etch a sketch. We started with a big thanksgiving dinner and then had a party for Will. FUN!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today was a great day!

Kingston and I woke up early and spent some time together. He is very snuggly and happy and sweet baby, pretty much all the time, I just couldn't resist taking some shots this morning.

Then Paul showed William how to make eggs and he helped him make all of us breakfast. William loves to help.

Then Paul and Rory, took Christie and William to the park and stopped for icecream on the way home.

Then William and I spent the afternoon outside painting rocks. We have all kinds of rocks all over our property in the flower beds and such and I thought it would be fun to have William, and Kingston once he's old enough to paint a bunch as they grow up. We had the best time. Mommy had snacks and William music and everything.