Friday, November 28, 2008

My Favorite Toy

More often than not, I am finding my little man IN the toy box playing. He is so funny, he even gets a blanket for himself to sit on so he's more comfortable. The kid kills me. He's happy to play like this for at least a half hour. He thinks he's quite funny too.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Floor

Thanks to Joe and Paul for my great new floor!


We put up our Christmas lights this week and of course the inflatable Santa. We have this blow up thing in our yard that is Rudolf holding Santa's gift sack and Santa is popping up and down in it. Weird, but the kids love it. Well this was Will's reaction to it when he first saw it through the living room window. The video is dark and you can hear the Grey Cup game in the background, but mostly you can hear Will and his great reaction...and of course Will telling Santa he has a cookie for him.

A little Mommy and Will time

Paul snapped these shots of Will and I last night. I am as tired as I look and so was Will. I was watching a movie and he climbed up on my lap and just laid his head down. Of course, he first had to arrange a pillow for himself. He did that himself, I had nothing to do with it. It was actually pretty funny because he laid down at first and then lifted his head and looked at me and said, "wait mommy" (with his index finger pointed, and went and got the pillow. Funny kid eh.

Also, his new favorite thing is the flashlight or "light" as he calls it. He takes that thing everywhere.

Our Little Kingston

Well, here he is, our little man at 18 weeks. All his size and growth measurements are right on track and he's just perfect. I wonder if he'll have dark curly hair??? We have yet to decide on his middle name, but for now, Kingston it is! I can't wait to meet you sweetheart.

Will Gets a Haircut from Grandma

When we were home for a few days so Paul and Joe could do our floors, Grandma was kind enough to give William a haircut. He did so good, as long as he had the lotion to distract him. Thanks Grandma.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snug as a bug....

Okay, so on Halloween, the always clever erin Kelly not only passed out candy to the little ones, but she also had a bin of little toys and fun stuff. She gave Will a toy Bee that you wind up. Well, who knew that Bee would fast become his best friend. That Bee hasn't left his side since he got it. And now, the 'bug' as Will calls him, has to go night-night with him when he goes. So the other night, daddy put Will and Bug to bed each with their own blanket. We now have to do this at every nap as well. I say to Will, "night-night Will, love you" and Will says, "night-night Bug, wuv ew". It's just too darn cute.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

William's Musical Side

While we were at the Erynn and Joe's for Halloween, Joe put Will on the drums to see what he would do. I think he has my musicality somewhere in there. At least I hope he does.

Halloween 2008

Have you ever seen a cuter turtle? Seriously, I know he's mine, but I thought he was just the sweetest thing last night. From the moment we put his costume on in the morning to the time we took it off....9PM!!!, William had the best day. He LOVED his costume, even the hat. I took him to Westside and then to Daddy's office, and then at 5pm we did our little bank of condos and then after daddy came home from work, we went to the Kelly's (the Big Red Door-happy place) and then off to see Auntie Erynn and Uncle Joe. William was just so proud of himself being all dressed up and carrying his "punkin". The funniest part was when every door i'd take him to, he would walk right in to their house, and while the people were putting candy in his pumpkin, he was using his other hand to take candy out of their bowls. Good thing they found that cute. Anyway, we had a great day, he didn't fuss even once and he came home with quite the stash.